Friday , 14 February 2025
The Best Exotic Weapons in the Destiny 2 Beyond Light
The Best Exotic Weapons in the Destiny 2 Beyond Light

The Best Exotic Weapons in the Destiny 2 Beyond Light

The Best Exotic Weapons in the Destiny 2 Beyond Light
The Best Exotic Weapons in the Destiny 2 Beyond Light

With Destiny 2 xenophage currently moving into its fourth year, the quantity of intriguing weapons accessible is critical – and picking one to consummate your loadout can be troublesome. In spite of the fact that Bungie has started sunsetting a portion of the old works of art, you’ll see you can in any case get to a portion of the powerhouses of days of old on the off chance that you realize where to look.

With Beyond Light, the meta has changed once more, and certain arms have gotten all the more remarkable as old works of art have lost their sparkle a bit. Examine this rundown and select the apparatus you need to use to battle the powers of Darkness – and possibly take on the Deep Stone Crypt.

Izanagi’s Burden

This Destiny 2 xenophage powerful sharpshooter rifle can be obtained from the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower. It’s anything but an Exotic Cipher to open, so it’s anything but modest. However, in the event that you need a supervisor squashing weapon in your Kinetic space, this is totally your most ideal decision. While the enormous winnow of substance toward the beginning of Beyond Light may have taken out its impetus from the game, it’s anything but an outright stalwart with regards to manager harm.

What makes this rifle so great is its natural advantage: Honed Edge. On the off chance that you hold the reload button, the weapon stacks each round from the magazine into one super shot with improved reach and harm. A short arrangement of these rounds can chop a manager’s wellbeing down to nothing in only a few of shots. It takes some training to have the option to reload from one Honed Edge shot into another without staggering, however once you get it down you can cut through anything in your manner.


Rebellion is an incredible projectile launcher for the Heavy weapon space, and it was recently acquired from the Scourge of the Past Raid – yet Bungie has Vaulted the weapon. Like Izanagi’s Burden, it can now just be procured from the Monument to Lost Lights. This will require one of your valuable Exotic Ciphers, in xenophage destiny 2 to another cash called Spoils of Conquest which can be found by finishing certain Raid exercises. To acquire these, get a gathering and roll into The Last Wish, Garden of Salvation, or The Deep Stone Crypt to get the assets you need.

The natural advantage of Anarchy is Arc Traps, which transforms your shots into tacky explosives that make a bend bolt that skips to and fro between your shots on the off chance that you land them close enough together. These projectiles can be put around managers to ceaselessly harm them, just as in gag focuses or bring forth entryways that you realize a few advertisements will go through. They can even be adhered to foes who will likewise take harm from the binded bend bolts. This ceaseless harm over the long run can add up, both expanding your crowd clearing potential, just as expanding your manager harm.


Cloudstrike is another sharpshooter rifle presented with Beyond Light in destiny 2 beginners guide. It must be gained from the Empire Hunts playlist and it requires some investment to open. Each run of an Empire Hunt gets an opportunity to drop the rifle, so get the playlist and pound through it, and – at last – you will get this sweet circular segment expert rifleman.

There are two advantages at work to make this weapon so great. The first is Stormbringer, which triggers a tempest of lightning after you score three fast accuracy hits. This isn’t appallingly helpful against the average adversaries, however against supervisors who have bigger crit spots and move considerably less, this can add to the harm you bargain as managers don’t will in general move out of the cloud whenever it is made.

Since Cloudstrike has a seven-round magazine, you can get two of these mists onto an objective before you should reload. The expert rifleman’s other advantage is Mortal Polarity which makes a lightning bolt at an objective’s area when you get an exactness last blow. This doesn’t help at all against managers, however keeps the weapon significant when managing amassed little foes.

The Lament

Sword + trimming tool = The Lament. This beasty piece of an edge has teeth running down one side for biting through the powers of Darkness. This Heavy ammunition weapon can be opened by finishing an extensive journey, yet it is unquestionably worth the time exertion. Basically address Banshee in the pinnacle and follow the questline to fashion the sword. Be prepared for it to take some genuine recess!

The blade gets its force from the Banshee’s Wail perk. This adds an interesting usefulness to this sword where guarding, which will fire up the edges and prime it’s anything but an extraordinary weighty assault (comparably to Nero’s Red Queen sword from Devil May Cry arrangement).

Hit the hefty assault button while holding the gatekeeper to play out the fired up assault that bargains huge harm to single targets. This assault additionally sidesteps safeguards and permits you to overcome obstruction champions. Each hit with this fired up state will add a heap of Banshee’s Wail, further expanding the blade’s harm.

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